Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 Sweaters Make 1 Cute Warm Dress
I was in northern Virginia this weekend and I was perusing through a thrift store and I remembered being inspired by the Slapdish Sewist blog in which she did a sweater refashion. Check it out here
So I decided what better than two warm sweaters making a cute dress. I found the bottom of the dress by choosing a women’s XL sweater and I then I matched it with a medium sized red turtleneck. In the pics you can see that the top is a small cable knit. The turtle neck is 100% merino wool so it is warm. I couldn’t find the content of the blue sweater the tag was torn.
Thriftonomics defined as saving money on clothes or whatever and looking great doing it. The store was having a half off sale so I figured I could buy 2 sweaters each $4.99 equally $2.50 each and then make a $5 dress. I remembered I had red shoes and I am really wearing a lot of red this month. It makes me feel happy and I was inspired by the Chinese New Year.  
I was so excited I made the dress that night and the Dear Boyfriend Mr. T gave me the approval.  I didn’t take pictures of the construction but you can see at the hem that this is the bottom of the XL sweater. I cut off the sleeves of the blue sweater  and the bottom of the turtleneck then pin fit the tow together and slim fit the dress. Then sergered the raw inside seams.
So I wore it to work today and got some compliments on it, just walking pass people and then when I explain it was two sweaters they were gasping.  This will be great for the the cold days we may get in March.


  1. I love it when you post. Your dress is beautiful!

  2. Thanks Faye More to come I have sewn up some knit party dresses will post them next week.

  3. Love your version of the two sweater dress.
