Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day to All

Give Love, Share Love and Receive Love

Dear Boyfriend Mr. T and I attended a Sweetheart Ball on Saturday Night in Maryland. So I had to whip up a easy cut dress to wear. The  TNT (tried and true) Butterick 3137 which is OOP (out of print). This is the same dress I wore New Year 2011 when I first met him. It is so easy, a front, back, 2 darts on the front and back and I cut the neckline down and made my own ruffle. I lined it in black polyester.



  1. Cute dress and hope you had a great Valentines day.

    1. Thanks Sheila I enjoyed the Saturday Nite party BF lives in DC & I live in NJ so tuesday was back 2 work but otherwise we suppose to go out this saturday. I hope you and your hubby had a great weekend and Tuesday Valentine Night.
